Sunday, July 1, 2012

Timeout in Minnesota...part 1

After arriving in Minnesota, first stop was the Rohde Farm to see my youngest son, Josh.  The Venzaliner put several people driving by the farm in a tizzy…what is it? The word soon spread and my two week timeout in Minnesota began!

He says he's working?!
Since I grew up in Minnesota, besides family there were a few friends that I wanted to visit while on my journey, so that I did!
One morning in Grey Eagle I savored a good cup (okay, maybe several cups) of coffee and fresh baked banana muffins by Amy. Those of you who know Amy, are fully aware that she greets everyone with a lovely smile filled with humor and is an inspiration to those around her. Also, Sandy graced us with her presence and smile as well, and the three of us spent more than a morning cup of coffee catching up on lives.  Once again, the visit wasn’t long enough as you can only imagine three women 30 years…need I say more! Thanks Amy and Sandy, it was a delight!

Amy's backyard flower decor...these boots were made for plantin'!
A special visit from the indigo buntings!
Amy and Sandy--pretty in pink!
An overnight stay in Minneapolis with my girlfriend Joelyn, and her family, was memorable…then again, after imbibing Mojitos while lounging in the pool for the afternoon, I’m not sure the details were too memorable. However, I do explicitly recall the pool was refreshing, the ribs were delicious, Luke kept us in line, Chris was a hoot, Ross made awesome pancakes and the visit wasn’t long enough. However, the good Lord willing I’ll see Joelyn and her husband, Chris, in the fall…!

What a character!
Another quick visit with Mary Kay and Kevin to find out that Kevin thinks I’m absolutely crazy and Mary Kay clued him in that although I may be a little off, I’m adventurous too! A quick visit, but in this situation, something is better than nothing; good to see you MK&Kevin!

In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. 
It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. 
We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit
                             ~Albert Schweitzer

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